Sunday, December 13, 2009

What is the treatment for back acne?

i really have this big problem at my back. i have these back acne, but it's not in the worse situation, its kinda mild..

before i used to have a smooth body back, now i lost my confidence in showing off my body because of my back acne

i dont know and i cant remember how this started, all i remember was that, i used a palmolive bath soap, then it started with one pimple and it got many

can anyone recommend to me a certain treatment or medicine to it

you answers will be highly appreciated.

thanks a lotWhat is the treatment for back acne?
A lovely girlfriend that will spend hours cleaning and popping them... No a long handle back scrub every night no soap just luke warm water What is the treatment for back acne?
go to a dermatologist
I am an aesthetician(a facialist) in Las Vegas, we offer back facials at our spa. That will help, and try eating a fresh sprig of parsley every other day if your not allergic to it. The same properties of antibacterial oils in the parsley that freshen breath also clean your skin from the inside out. You can sprinkle it on your salads, or sandwiches if you don't want to eat it straight. It has a zesty citrus flavor and has more vitamin c than an orange. There are many books and vidoes available at the library on the topic of skincare and nutrition.
Acne on the Back


Back Acne - Causes

Back Acne - Treatment

Back Acne - Tips

Home remedy for back acne

Body acne is common in adults and teens, showing up mostly on the chest, back and buttocks. Like facial acne, stress and hormones can cause acne on various parts of the body. However, other factors can also induce acne lesions on the body. Back acne can sometimes be very stubborn.

Back Acne - Causes

Most of the times, back acne is a hereditary problem caused by hormones. Also, perspiration and tight-fitting clothing are two of the most common culprits, which explains why many physically active people are plagued by back acne. Tight-fitting clothing such as spandex, traps perspiration against the skin, and it then mixes with surface oils. The result is a film that clogs pores and causes blemishes ranging from whiteheads to inflamed papules and pustules.

Back Acne - Treatment

Stubborn back acne often requires oral prescription antibiotics such as tetracycline or minocycline. Acne on the back is much more resistant to treatment than facial acne, so you need to treat it aggressively. Also, skin on the back is tougher, so it can take tougher products. Thus, a prescription Retin A cream or 10 percent benzoyl peroxide wash may be used. As a last resort, accutane is used, though in higher dosages than for facial acne.

For milder cases or to keep back acne under control, do the following:

Wash daily with a salicylic-acid-based cleanser, and be sure to shower as soon as possible after perspiring. Wipe the area with a benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid pad and follow with an alpha hydroxy acid-based body moisturizer (that will help exfoliate skin while preventing it from drying out). Use a salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide spot treatment on individual pimples at night. Benzoyl peroxide will kill any bacteria that may accumulate on your back as you sweat.

Back Acne Tips

1. Wear cotton clothing and use powder to keep your back dry.

2. If necessary, you can apply antiperspirant to your back (but don't do this if you are doing vigorous activity - sweating is necessary to keep you from overheating).

3. Since bacteria can exacerbate the condition, always wear clean clothes, bras and T-shirts when working out and put a clean towel down before lying on exercise machines or mats at the gym.

4. Shower as soon as possible after perspiring. Never go straight into the steam room after a sweaty workout鈥攕hower first to get rid of dirt and bacteria.

5. You should probably change your shirt twice a day whether you exercise or not to avoid bacteria buildup that can further aggravate your acne.

Home Remedy for back acne: Use homemade Lye (Sodium Hydroxide) soap and add tea tree oil to it while making it. It does wonders for acne prone/oily skin. Will definitely improve your acne, and it softens skin.

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