Monday, December 21, 2009

What is the most effective way to kill acne - laser treatment results?? Accutane already completed...?

I had severe acne and completed 2 courses of accutane over a period of 5 years. Now ive been off my second round for about 10 months and the acne is slowly creeping back up on me. I want to stop it before it gets uncontrollable like it was before, and I dont think doctors can even GIVE more than 2 rounds of accutane.

I mean my acne wasnt as bad as acne cases can possibly get, but it WAS as stubborn as they get. So in other words dont suggest creams, antibiotics, other topicals... tried them all already.

Whats the effectiveness of laser treatment, and how long does it last??What is the most effective way to kill acne - laser treatment results?? Accutane already completed...?
You can do accutane more than 2 times. But if mine comes back again too I think I might look into the laser also. I think you need to wait a full year before getting the laser treatment after you finish accutane. Best of luck.What is the most effective way to kill acne - laser treatment results?? Accutane already completed...?
I don't know anything about the laser treatment, but I just wanted to mention that along with whatever treatment you decide upon, maybe you should also consider consulting either a nutritionist or a homeopathic physician. The reason I say this is because nothing seems to be working for you and I wonder if it is something that you could add or eliminate from your diet OR maybe a strong vitamin or herb supplement might correct whatever is out of whack in your body. I know you are frustrated. Good luck.
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