Friday, December 25, 2009

What are some effective treatments - natural or medication - for acne?

Oh lordie, I think I've tried everything out there. The trick is to change it up. Your skin for some annoying reason, likes to get immune to things. But here is some key ideas that i used when i went through my zittiest phases of puberty (and once u realize how these products work, you'll be able to create some of your own ideas)

Keep in mind- everyone has diff skin. Mine in particular has spots of moisture and spots of dryness, so make sure your sensitive to spots such as forheads, mouth areas... yadda yadda


1) white Toothpaste! little dabs on the infected area should suck it right on up. and make sure u leave it on for a long time as well. I would put it on before i went to bed and scrub it off once i woke up.

2) after you pop a zit, try spraying/rubbing Hydrogen Peroxide (after all, it kills bo-bos)

3) use Neutrogena ';deep clean invigorating scrub'; It feels amazing and the exfoliant part of it really helps loose skin.

4) other good products to use are: Cold creams, exfoliants, oatmeal products. and one of my fav(but it makes a mess) is Avocados. But its highly rich in fatty oils (good ones) but your face might already be too moist as it is

put a hand towel in very hot water and after wringing it out, lay it on your face till the towel is cool. Then following, wash like crazy and splash lots of cool water on it.

I know i might sound like a mad woman, but I'm a 20 yr old girl who was able to escape the horrid family acne genes by following all these items religiously.What are some effective treatments - natural or medication - for acne?
i use differn from my dermatoligist it works greatWhat are some effective treatments - natural or medication - for acne?
There are some home remedies at this website
Get a dermatologist. There are so many medications out there that can really help. There is no need to suffer with poor skin in today's age. My cousin has severe acne and he's going on Accutane, which is the cure for acne. However, it's only prescribed for serious cases.

You can go to the dermatologist and they'll give little shots of cortisone which will take your zits away the next day! Also, you can be put on a steroid that eliminates them in 3 days.

You should get a good Retina A product as well, and wear sunscreen. Go to the DR!

I'm an adult, but my dermatologist said Aveeno is a great product.

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