Friday, December 25, 2009

Effective Acne treatment?

I have tried everything i could thing of.




None of them cleared my acne.

And if they ever did it came back within two days.

And im stressing over it.

can somebody tell me about any secrets.

Home formulas.

ANYTHING that works

please please please!

thank youEffective Acne treatment?
Dermatologist. You need perscription strength medication, and probly a round or two of antibiotics to get it under control.

Go, see a doctor. You'll be glad you did.Effective Acne treatment?
There is no generally ';effective'; acne treatment. Your acne is caused by something unique to your body and skin. Which means you need a unique treatment for your skin. I have acne and like so many have tried a pharmacy list of products, but once I went to a dermatologist and kept trying I finally found something that works for me.

Trust me I asked people, watched infomercials and all. Bought the products and it just didn't work for me. If you can't go to a dermatologist for whatever reason, continue to try different products. AcneFree Severe worked well for me until I did see the dermatologist. I have tried all the products you listed but I have learned as you will find with a little research that it usually takes a combination of acne treatments to alleviate the acne.

There is no effective treatment.

You can only prevent some of the acne from coming to the surface.

Everyone is different. For me, nothing works except prescriptions. And proactive helps it stop from forming if I use it every day twice a day or else my skin goes back to normal.

Acne is normal, and while it might be a ';turn-off'; it is natural.
I had terrible acne. I tried everything like you did. Now it is all clear.

Go to the dermatologist, ask the doctor about acutane (it atleast sounds like that). It is a pill you take once or twice a day. You take it for about 6 months. Afterwards your acne will be completely gone or calmed way down.

It worked so well, so if you go to a dermatologist, ask about it.
Well i tried all of those too..and i changed over to Clinique Acne Treamtments...And in the last 2 months or so..My acne has cleared up really not sure its the treatment or im growing out of it..but I love the leaves ur face soft.

I also use zap zit when i get a huge zit. And i use Cliniique Dramatically Mosturizer or something because i get dry skin when on acne treatments.

You can go to a department store which has a Clinque counter and ask then about it. And if not you can probably order it on the internet.

The sales woman said alot of people who tried proactiv went to Clinique and it worked much better.
Acne free

for fast results try this it will work within 1 day ! i swear =)

Take a lemon from the fridge, squeeze some lemon juice into your skin

rinse face with cold water

Within the first few tries you'll notice that it doesnt ''help'' with acne, but completely get's rid of it, and makes your skin look HEALTHY, you really do get this weird ''glow''

I can't emphasize this enough. FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS, don't use stupid chemichals on your skin, you're skin is something NATURAL, so it only makes sense to use something NATURAL

your just the same as i was in the end i went to the doctors they gave me some creme but it doesnt rele work that great but say youve finnished the tube and then they put u on a stronger one and lately i ordered a precription on my pharmacys website and they gave me a really strong one now everyones asking how my skin became floorless This WILL work
Wash your face, keep it clean.

Google: acne home remedies

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