Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What is the most effective acne treatment and what can i do to improve my skin (change in diet etc)?

I have realy bad acne all over my face. I have dermotologist proscribed RetinA micro and another oral medication, but they are not seeming to do anything. It seems that i have tried everything, so does any one have something that worked really well for them. Also, is there a change in diet that would make a difference?What is the most effective acne treatment and what can i do to improve my skin (change in diet etc)?
my boys also had bad acne.. went to the dermatologist and nothing worked that was prescribed. funny thing what they give can be gotten over the counter.Butyou can try Physoderm to wash your face. drink lots of water.suger plays no part in acne, its like a virus. I have used toothpaste on really bad ones it dries them out.otherwise don't over clean your face that can make it worse.What is the most effective acne treatment and what can i do to improve my skin (change in diet etc)?
more information on acne treatment:

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Drink more water, cut back on sodas,juice or anthing that contains acid, don't use oil ony your face, it clogs pores in stead find a hydrating lotion and wash your face at least 3 times aday, in the am when you get up of course, after excersing or sweating,and before you go to bed. and cut back on make up and use an astringent nightly
Probably the most effective supplement for people today is FISH OIL. Yeap. You need it because our bodies are make to run on wild, grass feed, meat and fish. Today we eat only corn feed normally, so we lack essential fats that our cells need to function properly.

It does amazing things for your skin because it is easily transported through the body tissues being very unsaturated. That means it is very viscous. It will make your skin soft from the inside out. You need the proper oil for good skin from the inside not the outside. But it is good not to use soap, only mild shampoo on your face. You should not wash your face too much. Once a day is fine. Get excercise outdoors and sleep enough that you never have to use an alarm to wake in the morning. Very important that you start living the way your body was made to live, that is before electric lights. Go to bed and sleep by 9pm most nights if you are serious about being healthy.

Back to fish oil ! The best to use would be COD LIVER oil. The cheapest and best comes from ICELAND. It costs less than $4.00 a bottle and last a month at about one tblspoon a day. It is sold by Icelandic Health 1 866-238-8542 BUY A CASE for the good price. You can freeze the bottle till you need them. It will take a few months to get enough essential fats back into your body. Let me know how it goes for you. Carl in Los Gatos CA Also take a one a day vitamin and eat as much green leaf vegetables as you can. Carrots are easy too. And of course cut out sweets and juke food, no soda.

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